Dedicated Divorce Attorneys
Going through a divorce is a stressful process, so you should seek the assistance of a skilled attorney to guide you. At Reynolds Family Law, LLC, our attorneys have a combined 50+ years of experience, including Karen Reynolds’ years as Chief Staff Attorney and Assistant Director of the Domestic Relations Office.
Trusted Chester County Divorce Lawyers with Over 30 Years of Specialized Experience
We value the importance of negotiation, as it typically yields better results and fewer headaches in the divorce process. In those cases where it is necessary to involve the court, we are your advocates. We stand up for you to ensure that you and your family are treated fairly. Let us work with you to find a solution that helps you and your family move on from your divorce and enjoy a better future. As experienced West Chester family attorneys, we have significant knowledge of the biggest concerns for people going through their divorce. The most common disputes we handle revolve around issues such as…

Custody and Visitation Rights

Child Support and Alimony

Division of Marital Assets
Frequently Asked Questions
What can Reynolds Family Law help with?
– Divorce
– Property Division
– Child Custody and Visitation
– Child Support, APL and Alimony
– Mediation
– Adoption
– Pre-Nuptial and Post-Nuptial Agreements
– Property Settlement Agreements
– Name Changes
Legal Separation or Divorce?
There is no such thing as a “legal separation” in Pennsylvania. The law on this issue varies from state to state. In Pennsylvania, the concept of legal separation does not exist, however, the date of physical separation can have a significant impact on the value of the assets in the marital estate.
It is very important to have an attorney who has experience in the state and county where your divorce will be filed.
How does Child Custody work in Pennsylvania?
There are two types of child custody, legal and physical. Legal custody involves who makes the big, important decisions concerning your child in areas such as health care, education, and religion. Legal custody is usually shared. Physical custody is what you hear about the most. It involves the schedule the parties follow and where the child resides. The physical custody schedule determines the amount of time the child resides with each parent.
In every case, the Court awards both physical and legal custody. Child custody orders are always modifiable.
What types of financial support are available in Pennsylvania?
Child Support
Child support is determined according to the Pennsylvania Child Support Guidelines, which use an income shares model. This means that the amount of support a parent is obligated to pay depends on the physical custody schedule and each parent’s monthly net income. The Domestic Relations Section is the branch of the Court that handles support.
Spousal Support/APL/Alimony
All three of these are methods of providing financial support to a dependent spouse. A dependent spouse is the lower income earner of the two parties. Which type of support you are entitled to depends on the stage of the case. The amount of support is dependent upon several factors including the type of support, the incomes of both parties, and the reasonable needs of the parties.
Child support orders are always modifiable. Spousal/APL/Alimony support orders may be modifiable depending on the case.
What is the benefit of using a Local Pennsylvania Attorney?
Family Law rules vary from state to state and, within each state, the rules vary from county to county. When choosing your legal team, be sure that your representative has knowledge of and experience in the rules of your local area.
Reynolds Family Law has been serving families in Chester, Montgomery, and Delaware Counties since 1992. We are not a large, multi-state law firm. We are a small, local practice that offers individualized attention with decades of experience and focus in Family Law.
Initial Consultations – “You Get What You Pay For”
When you have a legal problem or question and are looking for legal advice, you may call around looking for a free consultation. You will find an attorney that will offer you one, but there is a catch – they will be giving you what is called a case evaluation. Basically, what this means is that an attorney or intake person will listen to you and make a determination of whether or not they can help you and then explain the cost to retain. They will not give you legal advice, answer legal questions or get into the specifics of your case.
Typical "Free" Consult:
Surface-level information for a limited period of time
Typically limited to 30-60 minutes
Hard stop at the end of allotted time
No specific discussion of details of your particular circumstances
Generic discussion of the process of divorce, such as the required court filings and fees
Goal is to entice prospective client to sign on and pay retainer.
No follow up questions included
Reynolds Family Law Initial Consult:
Full discussion and plan of moving forward.
Includes overview of the divorce process
Including timeline, budget and fees, but also includes specific case strategy for the prospective client, including full discussion of the client’s goals.
No time limit
Whether consult is by telephone, Zoom, or in person, the meeting takes as long as the client needs.
Includes any follow up questions
Frequently, clients provide employment/wage information after their initial consultation and have follow-up questions focused on financial/support. Additionally, we can run support calculations to give the client a ballpark idea of what support obligation he/she is facing.
Interested in an Initial Consultation?
Learn more about Karen's background, education, and experience, including strategy and philosophy of practice. Consult is informal and informational. It includes an overview of case management and expectations regarding fees.
Our preliminary goal is to establish your needs and create a comfortable atmosphere to discuss what's next and how to get through a difficult time.